Imagine for a moment... / by David Miller

Imagine for a moment that I told you tomorrow was not going to come.  That today was your last day on earth, in this physical form as you know it.  But not only your last day, everyone's last.  Tomorrow, you will not wake up as you have every day of your life.  You will not drink your coffee, read or watch the news, check email, your phone, your texts, your messages.  You will not say hi to loved ones, shower in warm water, brush your teeth, choose an outfit that suits you best.  You will not prepare breakfast, send the kids off to school, kiss your partner goodbye.  You will not do any of that, for tomorrow does not exist.  Tomorrow has never existed, it has only been expected.  Just as yesterday can never be altered, tomorrow can never be taken for granted.  So what are you left with? Today.  The now.  This very moment in front of you.  This moment to close your eyes, scan your body and ask how it feels.  What it needs.  All of the tools for success, happiness, love, courage, strength, change, and health, live within each one of us.  Dedicate this moment to you.  Not work, family, friends...You.  If you are not fully aware and conscious of the every day gift of life, how can you possibly expect to share the best version of yourself with the world?

Now take those thoughts and broaden them out.  Since today is your last day on earth, what do you want to do?  Who do you want to share your heart with?  Your time?  Your love?  Your wisdom?  Who needs to know you care?  What projects that you enjoy doing need finishing, or starting even?  What sites do you still have left to see? And adventures to explore?  Peel away the veneer that has been sold to us as the blueprint for life and begin to unveil your truest self.  There you will find out what matters most.  Who matters most.

And if we should be so lucky that tomorrow comes, proceed in the same way.  Check in with your needs.  Continue to work on things you love, including yourself.  Be the best version of you each day, for tomorrow is never coming.

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